b'SUPPORTINGSilent AuctionGOODLOCAL This is about things no one GOVERNMENTcan buy outside of the auction.They are unique, one-off experiences. You can go to the shops, you can look on-line, but these silent auction items can only be found at the Good for Manly Campaign Launch Auction. HOW TO BID1. Browse the experiences on offer in this brochure2. Go towww.myminiauction.com/goodformanlycampaign to start bidding3. Once you bid you will be notified by MyMiniAuctions if youhave been outbid, so you can bid again.4.Have fun and thanks for your support!NOTE:All items have an expiration date of 31 October 2021, however thiscan be extended to accomodate COVID restrictions. Highest bidder will be provided contact details of the Donor afterpayment. The bidder will make arrangements for delivery of the item directly with the Donor. Bidding will be only via:www.myminiauction.com/goodformanlycampaign Bidding opens 22nd July 2021. Bidding closes 9.30pm on 29th July 2021. Payments for items are considered donations to theGood for Manly 2021 Election Campaign. Receipts will be issued for all successful bidders. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT'